Angular auto disable forms
This module checks roles and permissions of the current signed in user and disables input fields on demand automatically. That means you don’t have to disable each form input field individually. Currently supports: buttons, input fields, text areas, checkboxes, selects
Getting started
npm i ngx-auto-disable-forms --save
Just import the module ’NgxAutoDisableFormsModule’ in your ’app.module.ts’ file. i.e.
import { NgxAutoDisableFormsModule } from ‘ngx-auto-disable-forms’;@NgModule({imports: [NgxAutoDisableFormsModule],})
Interface Implementation
Go to your component, where fields should be disabled. And implement the interface ’OnRolesAndPermissions’ i.e.
@Component({selector: ‘test-component’,templateUrl: ‘./test.component.html’,styleUrls: [‘./test.component.scss’],})export class TestComponent implements OnRolesAndPermissions {/*** @override* Checks if the view should be displayed in read only mode.** @returns if true, the view’s input form fields are disabled.*/isViewReadOnly(): boolean {return true; // depends on roles and permissions}}
Template: test.component.html
Note that you need to add the attribute ’rolesAndPermissionsRelatedContent’ to the div container inside of the components template.
Depending on roles an permissions all UI input fields inside the div will be disabled automatically. i.e.
<div rolesAndPermissionsRelatedContent>…your form inputs…</div>
If needed you can also exclude some input fields from being disabled by adding the css class ’exclude-from-roles-and-permissions’ i.e.
<button class=”exclude-from-roles-and-permissions”></button>